Mobile RTS Game in Unity 2D - From Scratch to App Store

Mobile RTS Game in Unity 2D - From Scratch to App Store

Course information

Create a Mobile RTS Game in Unity 2D. Build, Design and Code in C# (A* Pathfinding). Publish to iOS and Android.

What students learn

  • Build a complete RTS game from scratch using Unity 2D
  • Implement core RTS mechanics including resource management and unit control
  • Master A* pathfinding algorithm for smooth unit navigation
  • Publish your game on both iOS and Android platforms


  • Basic programming knowledge
  • Familiarity with Unity (helpful but not required)

Target Audience

  • Beginners eager to learn Unity and game development
  • Experienced developers aiming to master mobile RTS game creation
  • Anyone interested in publishing their own mobile game


Welcome to Mobile RTS Game in Unity 2D - From Scratch to App Store. This comprehensive course guides you through the entire process of creating, testing, and publishing a real-time strategy (RTS) game for mobile using Unity 2D.

What You'll Learn:

Setting Up Your Game Environment

  • Download and utilize free assets to create an immersive game world
  • Master tilemaps and animated tiles for dynamic environments
  • Design custom characters for a unique gaming experience

Character Creation and Animation

  • Animate unique units such as builders and warriors
  • Implement distinct actions and abilities for each unit type

Core Game Management

  • Build a centralized Game Manager to control essential gameplay functions
  • Implement unit selection, movement, and resource management systems

Interactive Action Bar

  • Design a dynamic Action Bar UI for unit-specific actions
  • Create unique actions like building structures and choosing combat stances

Building and Placement Mechanics

  • Develop a sophisticated placement and building system
  • Implement visual feedback for available building spots
  • Create resource gathering mechanics for construction and unit training

Resource Collection and Economy

  • Design a comprehensive resource system including gold mining and wood chopping
  • Balance economy management with defense against enemy waves

Pathfinding with A* Algorithm

  • Implement the A* pathfinding algorithm from scratch
  • Enable smooth, obstacle-free navigation across the game map

Enemy Waves and Combat System

  • Develop various enemy types with unique behaviors
  • Create a spawn manager for challenging enemy waves
  • Implement a robust combat system

Audio and Visual Effects

  • Build an Audio Manager for immersive sound effects
  • Implement floating text for damage, resource gains, and announcements

Announcements and Events

  • Create a custom announcement system for game events
  • Alert players to incoming waves and critical moments

Victory and Defeat Conditions

  • Define clear win/lose scenarios
  • Implement a challenging "defend the King" gameplay mechanic

Cross-Platform Building and Testing

  • Learn to build and test your game on both iOS and Android devices
  • Ensure smooth performance across different mobile platforms

Publishing on App Stores

  • Navigate the publishing process for both App Store and Google Play
  • Set up compelling store pages with preview videos and policy information

Course Features:

  • Highly practical, code-focused approach
  • Build every feature from scratch without third-party libraries
  • Use only free, open-licensed assets
  • Suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to experienced developers
  • Comprehensive coverage from game creation to app store publication